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作者: 发布时间:2011-01-10 09:52:30 来源:
  农业新技术的扩散是一个复杂的过程,它受政治和经济制度变迁的影响。随着中国农村的改革正在深入,乡村社会更多地向外部社会开放。人口的流动、交通的改善、通信技术和大众媒介的普及,使得市场的信息,包括技术市场和产品市场的信息进入了农村。市场、政府和农民在新技术扩散过程中的关系也随之发生着变化。本文通过对我国一个村庄一项农业新技术的扩散过程进行的历时性研究,提 出了强制性扩散和半强制性扩散的概念,并探讨了这两种扩散程式的形成原因及特点。

  The process of the diffusion of new agricultural technologies is complicated. It is influenced by the transition of political and economical systems. With the further reform in the rural areas in China, the rural society is more open to the outside world. The market information, including the information of technologies and products, are spreading into the countryside along with the flow of the population, the improvement of the transportation as well as the popularization of the mass media. The relationship between market, the government and the peasants has been changed during the process. Yet the foregoing researches pay little attention to it. Basing on the study of the diffusing process of a new technology in a village in China, the thesis brings forward the conceptions of compelling diffusion and emi-compelling diffusion, and also studies the causes and characteristics of the two diffusion models.